*MEF tennis events S.L. warns that the programme for the Tenerife Challenger Tournament may undergo changes that, where applicable, shall be duly announced on the website www.tenerifetennis.com
Please remember that once you make a purchase, NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ARE ALLOWED.
Section 1: Information on Stadium & Types of Ticket
1.1. Stadium
The Abama complex consists of 1 main stadium:
- Tenerife Stadium, with a capacity of approximately 613 spectators. Not Assigned seating.
In addition, there are various outer competition and practice courts (access allowed a limited number of spectators.).
One ticket provides access to all matches that take place in Tenerife Stadium.
The Tenerife Challenger is composed by three ATP tournaments and the daily schedule can only be announced the night before. For this reason, you cannot purchase a ticket in advance in order to watch a specific player.
1.2. Tournament Schedule on the Tenerife Stadium:
- From Sunday 2 to Sunday 16 February 2025 the competition days will take place in a single session.
- The session starts at 10:00 and ends at 19:30.
- Saturday 8 and 15 February 2025 Doubles Final scheduled at 12:00 and Singles Semifinals start at 14:00.
- Sunday 9 and 16 February 2025 Singles Final starts at 11:00.
The organisers reserve the right to change these times.
Spectators can enter the Abama Tennis venue from 9:00.
1.3. Types of Ticket
- Tickets and Weekly Pass: Every ticket entitles the holder to access the Center Court (Tenerife Stadium).
Tickets for customers on a wheelchair: This type of ticket is exclusively for wheelchair users (these persons will not occupy a seat and therefore tickets will be free). To purchase such tickets, clic on www.entradas.com
Once the ticket holder has left the venue, he/she will be allowed to re-enter, being the ticket daily-use.
Section 2: Sales Channels
Tickets should be purchased only at the tournament organization’s officially authorized sales points. MEF Tennis Events will not be responsible for tickets acquired outside these authorized sales channels.
Only on presentation of a valid ticket for each person will access be granted to the tournament and facilities.
The tickets contain various security mechanisms to ensure their authenticity and avoid any counterfeiting. However, the organization does not guarantee the authenticity of any tickets that are not purchased via one of the official channels.
Only the official sales channels of the 2025 Tenerife Challenger can guarantee that authenticity of tickets:
INTERNET: The ticketing website www.entradas.com is open 24 hours a day until one day before each session or until the tickets are sold out. Methods of payment: credit/debit card.
TICKET OFFICE: Tickets will go on sale at the Abama Tennis Welcome Area on 1st February 2025. Methods of payment: cash, credit/debit card.
Under no circumstances will duplicate tickets be issued nor will access without a ticket be allowed. The organization declines any responsibility for eventual loss, theft or damage of issued tickets, nor for tickets acquired via unauthorized channels.
Children aged 12 or under do not pay to enter.
Any ticket purchased through any of the sales channels mentioned above, must not be resold, without prior, specific and written authorization of MEF Tennis Events.
Section 3: Conditions of the Service: “Print at Home”
Mandatory documents for ticket collection: customer’s ID card.
If the person who picks up the tickets is not the one who bought them: printed copy of the ID card of the person who purchased the tickets and an authorization letter.
Section 4: Exchanges and returns
The purchase of tickets for the 2025 Tenerife Challenger is final and shall be deemed completed once the payment has been made. TICKETS MAY NOT BE EXCHANGED OR RETURNED.
Once purchased, the ticket may not be exchanged and nor may its payment be returned, except in the case of the cancellation of the 2025 Tenerife Challenger. If the 2025 Tenerife Challenger tournament is cancelled, the MEF Tennis Events undertakes to return the price of the ticket. It is hereby expressly stated that the distribution costs applied to the price of the ticket by the sales channels shall not be returned by MEF tennis events, as the organization does not receive such payments.
Section 5: Program Changes
In the event that the schedule or timetable for the 2025 Tenerife Challenger tournament undergoes changes due to force majeure, security reasons, public disorder or a decision from any competent authority, MEF Tennis Events undertakes to announce such changes as soon as possible and, in all cases, as soon as the competition department makes the information public.
MEF Tennis Events warns that adverse weather conditions such as rain, extreme heat or strong winds could lead to delays in the match schedules and, in such cases, it undertakes to announce such changes as soon as possible.
Tickets are not refunded in the event of postponements or cancellations due to force majeure events.
Weather conditions that may lead to changes in timetables and to the scheduling shall be considered force majeure.
Section 6: Installations
All persons attending the Tenerife Challenger 2025 event recognize and accept that their movement within the grounds or in the areas adjacent to the grounds is their responsibility, and agree to absolve the organizers, MEF Tennis Events, and any other relevant entity from all responsibility regarding any risk, danger or loss, including injury or damage to persons or property, loss of property or any other incident that may occur as a result of their attendance at this tournament.
Section 7: Prohibitions and Restrictions
Remaining on the Abama premises from the time at which mobility is limited by the health authorities.
The following is strictly prohibited:
- To introduce and display signs, symbols, emblems or slogans which, due to their content or due to the circumstances in which they are shown or used could be considered to incite violent, xenophobic, racist or terrorist behavior or as an act of sporting contempt towards the participants in the tournament.
- To introduce or have in your possession, activate or throw, within the grounds or courts on which the competitions are to be held or are in progress, any type of firearm or any object that could produce the same effects, likewise sparklers, fire-crackers, explosives or inflammable, smoke-producing, or corrosive products in general.
- The use of all personal computers and handheld devices inside the confines of the (the spectator area) of the tournament courts, with the exception of accredited members of the press, tournament providers and tournament staff who use these devices in function with their job.
- No ticket holder can continuously collect, distribute, transmit, publish or disclose information pertaining to any results or statistical data related to any match while it is being played from within tournament grounds (from the beginning of a match to the end, for commercial purposes or gaming / gambling).
- The use of lasers or laser pens for pointing and or any device that can alter the normal rules of competition.
- Entry onto the premises in a state of drunkenness.
- To introduce, sell, consume or have on the facilities any type of alcoholic beverage or narcotic or psychotropic substances, stimulants or similar products. Being in a state of intoxication, whether evident or potential, shall be sufficient cause to deny entrance or be expelled from the site.
- Entry onto the courts themselves or their surroundings is prohibited at all times.
- Smoking is not allowed inside the Tenerife Stadium, according to the current legislation.
- To bring animals.
- Access to the installations will be prohibited to ticket holders who have been banned from entering any sports grounds, until such time as the ban has expired.
- Originate any disturbance of the order or to peoples security or to property or to the facilities.
- To remain standing on parts of the premises designed for viewing the match.
Once a match has started, you may only take your seat when indicated to do so by the persons responsible for controlling access to the court.
The use of Tenerife Challenger tickets for promotional purposes by tournament sponsors or partners is possible only with the express approval of the organizers.
Tickets are not to be used for commercial or promotional purposes aimed at third parties.
Tickets are for personal use only and are not for resale.
It is forbidden to show advertising or any commercial activity including the transmission of the competition scores or statistics to any other third person without the authorization of MEF Tennis Events.
Spectators must occupy the seat and must retain their ticket until they leave the venue and present it when asked to do so by any employee or official authorized by the organizing company MEF Tennis Events.
Section 9: Audiovisual Register
All persons attending the tournament recognize that this is a public event, and they freely and willingly accept that their voices, images and faces may appear on televised or radio broadcasts, either live or recorded, on video, in photographs and in any other media or audiovisual medium, now or in the future, without any compensation whatsoever.
No ticket holder or spectator may film, photograph, broadcast, disseminate, publish, transmit and/or, in general, offer to the public (or help a third party offer to the public), live or deferred, completely or partially, free of charge or for a fee, any recording of sound, photography, video sequences, moving images, film or other audiovisual content captured on any media within the tournament premises (except as permitted in the Tournament Accreditation Policy). Continuous use of personal computers or handheld electronic devices within the limits (spectator zone) of the tournament’s competition courts is prohibited, with the exception of duly accredited members of the media, tournament suppliers and tournament personnel when they are using them in order to perform their duties.
Section 10: Failure to Comply with these Terms and Conditions
Any ticket holders who, due to their conduct or the way in which they acquired their tickets, do not comply with these TERMS AND CONDITIONS described in this document will be denied access to the premises or will be expelled from the premises with no right to reimbursement.
Access control:
- Access with backpacks is prohibited.
- Small bags are recommended.